The following policy describes the rules and regulations for the admission to the Assagioli Archives, the consultation, reproduction and the eventual
publication of any of the documents kept in the Archives.
Aim and Scope
Under a mandate of the Institute of Psychosynthesis Board of Directors, the Archives are the responsibility of the Archival Group, in turn a main
component of the Group "Alle Fonti" (At The Wellsprings).
The Archival Group ensures the proper conservation and utilization of all documents kept in the archives for research, educational, documentation and
all other purposes, including the entire collection of writings and manuscripts produced by Roberto Assagioli during his entire life. The Archival Group
guarantees as well the maintenance of the archives, suggesting and applying possible ways to improve the documents and their energetic environment.
In addition, the Group supervises all the initiatives that take place at the Archives incluing the following:
a) Cataloging and storage of materials, on-site and on-line.
b) Care and preservation of the material and management of the consultation system.
c) Outreach initiatives to link with other cultural institutions or with individuals, to facilitate the access to the archives and improve the archives
cultural positioning and status.
d) Supervises the eventual purchases on behalf of the archives, including books and documents that may supplement or enrich the documentary heritage of
the archives.
e) Works with the Outreach Group to promote workshops, meetings and seminars organized for the purpose of consultation, research and study.
The Assagioli Archives encompass three sections: the Studio Archive, the Wellsprings Archive, and the Synthesis Cabinet.
Some materials and sections in the Archives are in the process of being cataloged and restored. Thus, so documents and materials are currently unavailable.
The Archives can be rendered temporarily inaccessible under special and justified reasons, including the need to improve access to the archives, special
cataloguing sessions, rearrangement of the materials, etc.
You may request a list of all the materials already catalogued. More detailed lists will be rendered public as the cataloguing work proceeds.
- Consultation of the documents kept at the Archive (some of which are confidential) is subject to the authorization of the Director of Archives.
Once the applicant's request is sent to the Institute of Psychosynthesis, the Director of the Archives examines the purpose of the request and establishes
if it is in line with the guidelines set by Institute's Board of Directors.
- The request for consultation should be sent, well in advance, to the Secretary of the Institute either by regular post or by e-mail (istituto@psicosintesi.it),
indicating the contact information of the applicant, the purpose of the consultation or research, and dates and times to spend at the Archives (if applicable).
The applicant should indicate any previous background and experience in the field of Psychosynthesis, and whether they are members of any of the
Psychosynthesis Centers in the world. This information will be used to fill in a personal information form to be handed in to the patron at the time of
the consultation.
- Personal information forms are stored at the Institute of Psychosynthesis and treated in compliance with current Italian legislation on use of personal
data and privacy.
- The Director of the Archive, in accordance with the Institute's Board of Directors, evaluates the request and grants access to the Archives. Authorization
can be delivered to the applicant in person, by regular mail or by email.
- The authorization to access the Archives is valid for three months from the date it is issued, unless an extension is granted on the basis of special needs,
at the discretion of the Director of the Archives and in accordance with the Institute's Board of Directors.
- The scheduled times for accessing the Archives are established after studying the purpose of the request for consultation. Should the patron need to
introduce changes to the schedule, s/he should contact the Secretary of the Institute and arrange for other times. Patrons can also request meeting with
the members of the Archival Group, or attend their seminars and meetings scheduled at different times during the year. The schedule of meetings can be
requested at the Secretary of the Institute.
- The consultation of the Archives takes place at the time scheduled, and in the rooms specially prepared for this activity.
- The terms and conditions for access to documents are the ones indicated in this policy.
- During the consultation document, patrons should follow the following directions:
a) DO NOT use pens or other ink pens;
b) DO NOT mark, fold, or write on the documents; DO NOT stick or bookmark documents in any way;
c) DO NOT lay any object on the documents under consultation;
d) DO NOT modify the order of the documents, folders, subfolders, cards or inserts;
f) DO NOT exchange archival material;
g) DO NOT introduce food or drinks into any of the rooms;
We urge patrons to respect the place and to exercise extreme care when handling the material.
- Patrons are requested not to change in any way the order of the documents given for consultation and to exercise care in their handling. Should the
patron notice any damage in the material given for consultation, or any difference between the catalogue and the actual material in the folders, they
should immediately report this to the staff know.
- Only a limited number of documents can be accessed at a time, depending on their type and availability.
- Personal computers are admitted in the designated study rooms.
Some materials in the archives may be photocopied upon request and approval of the Director of the Archives and the Institute of Psychosynthesis Board
of Directors. Upon approval of the request, the staff of the Archives will proceed to make photocopies of the materials. The cost of this service is to
be afforded entirely by the patron.
Photocopies of the following documents are not permitted: manuscripts; bound papers or documents in binders; documents in need of restoration; documents
too delicate to be photocopied.
The use of electronic devices (cell phones, cameras) is forbidden within the Archives, unless special permission has been granted.
The Archives would like to encourage patrons to approach the material in respect of the legacy of Assagioli. This legacy is not only academic or cultural
but also, and above all, energetic. Patrons are expected to be sensitive to this energetic link and to respect the intellectual property of all the materials
in these archives. This respect extends to the reproduction of any materials in social media, articles, conferences and events, even when permission has been
granted. In such cases, appropriate citation and reference to the Archives and the Institute of Psychosynthesis is expected, as with any other intellectual
You are kindly requested to access the archives in awareness of the significance and value of the materials preserved in the archives, and with utmost care
for the original documents that you will be consulting.